Humpback Whales
This sight has a good overview of whales: Click on the pictures at this site to open a photo album of examples: |
Green Sea Turtles
Have you every wondered why Maui's green sea turtles have tumors? Some guy named Kyle Van Houtan did. He says that too much nitrogen in the water promotes the growth of non-native grasses and algae. These plants in turn store their excess nitrogen in the form of arginine (a tetra-amine amino acid). Arginine is promotes the growth of tumors. Can you keep a secret? Maui's green sea turtles have herpes. The disease is endemic. Guess what is key in the building and promoting of the herpes tumor? You are correct, arginine...nitrogen. Now if you will excuse me I'm going to fertilize my lawn. Oh crap, I can't do that. Maybe I'll just flush this article down the toilet: |
What if there were no sharks?
Yes, they scare you. But you are far more likely to get in a car accident than experience a shark bite. Here are some links to fill your appetite with knowledge.
Ted Talks, did you expect a shark suit to look like this? This is a great site for info: Some tiger sharks are being tracked: |
Coral Reefs and Sunscreen